
Why is TikTok Showing Me Videos With No Likes?

Published on October 27, 2023
tiktok showing videos with no likes

Ever scrolled through TikTok and wondered, "Why am I seeing videos with no likes?" You're not alone. It's a common question that's linked to TikTok's unique algorithm.

TikTok's algorithm is designed to promote a variety of content, including new and less popular videos. This doesn't necessarily mean the video has no likes, but rather that it may be new or hasn't reached a larger audience yet. Additionally, the user may have turned off the feature that shows the number of likes. So, you end up seeing videos with no visible likes.

In this article, we'll delve into how TikTok selects videos for your feed, why you're seeing these 'zero likes' videos, and how this impacts user engagement. You'll gain a better grasp of the TikTok universe, so let's dive right in!

Understanding TikTok's Algorithm

While you might be puzzled by this, it's important to understand that TikTok's algorithm doesn't only consider likes when recommending videos to you. It's more complex than that.

The algorithm also takes into account your interactions, such as sharing, commenting, and the duration of watch time. So, if you're seeing videos with few or no likes, it's because TikTok thinks you might enjoy them based on your previous behavior.

For instance, are you watching videos till the end even if they've got no likes? That's a signal you're interested. Are you sharing or commenting on similar content? That's another sign. TikTok's prime goal is to keep you engaged and entertained. Its algorithm is designed to serve that purpose by constantly learning from and adapting to your behavior.

Of course, likes are a part of the equation too, but they're not the be-all and end-all. They're one piece of a much larger puzzle. So, next time you're scrolling through TikTok and see a video with no likes, don't be surprised. It's all part of the algorithm's grand design.

Factors Influencing TikTok's Video Selection

Even though you might not realize it, several factors beyond likes influence the videos TikTok selects for you. The app's algorithm uses your user behavior to decide what to show you.

This includes the way you interact with videos - how long you watch each clip, whether you skip or replay them, your comments, shares, and even the speed at which you scroll.

Your device and account settings also play a crucial role. TikTok takes into account your location, language preference, device type, and network settings. It's like the app is trying to know you better to customize your video feed.

Moreover, the details of the videos you interact with are noted too. The specifics of the content such as details in the video, hashtags, and even the music used are considered.

Lastly, the timing of your interaction matters. If you're an early bird to a viral video, TikTok might reward you with more similar and trending content.

The Role of User Interaction

You might be wondering how your interactions with TikTok videos influence the type of content you see, especially those with no likes. Well, your user interactions play a pivotal role in shaping your TikTok feed. Every like, comment, share, or even the length of time you spend watching a video, is tracked by TikTok's algorithm.

Let's say you stumble upon a video with no likes and you watch it to the end, TikTok's algorithm registers this as a positive interaction, assuming you found it interesting. It might then show you similar content, even if those videos also have no likes. It's a way of personalizing your feed, based on your unique viewing habits, not just popularity.

Moreover, TikTok also encourages content diversity and discovery. So, it will often sprinkle your feed with new, unseen videos that have yet to gather likes or comments. This approach helps less popular creators get visibility and allows you to discover fresh content outside your usual preferences. It's TikTok's way of keeping your experience engaging and diverse.

Exploring the 'Zero Likes' Phenomenon

Despite your interactions shaping your feed, there's a peculiar 'Zero Likes' phenomenon on TikTok that you might've noticed. You're not alone; it's a widespread occurrence that leaves users puzzled.

The 'Zero Likes' phenomenon refers to TikTok showing videos with no likes on your feed. It's not a glitch; it's an intentional move by TikTok. The platform does this to give exposure to new creators and content, maintaining a diverse and dynamic environment.

To understand better, let's break it down:

Aspect With LikesWithout Likes
Content You've interacted with similar content beforeNew, diverse content
Creators Creators you've interacted with or followNew creators
User ExperienceFamiliar, predictableFresh, unpredictable

Effect on User Engagement and Popularity

It's natural to wonder how this 'Zero Likes' phenomenon impacts your engagement and the overall popularity of videos on TikTok. This new dynamic can have a variety of effects, both positive and negative.

  1. User Engagement: You might think no likes would deter users from interacting with your content. Surprisingly, it's the opposite. People are intrigued by the 'Zero Likes' label and tend to watch the video to see why it has no likes. This can lead to increased views and comments.
  2. Popularity: A video with no likes can become popular out of sheer curiosity. It's human nature to question the norm, leading more people to view and potentially like your content.
  3. Personal Growth: This phenomenon can challenge you to create content that isn't solely dependent on likes for validation. It promotes creativity and uniqueness.
  4. Algorithm Advantage: TikTok's algorithm is designed to promote variety and exploration. Even without likes, your video still has a chance to reach a wider audience.

Ultimately, the 'Zero Likes' phenomenon isn't necessarily a hindrance. It can be an opportunity for growth and enhanced user engagement.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How Can I Increase the Number of Likes on My TikTok Videos?

To increase likes on your TikTok videos, you've to create engaging, original content. Use trending hashtags, interact with your audience, and post at peak times. You'll see improvement as you consistently apply these strategies.

2. Can I Change the Type of Videos TikTok Shows Me?

Absolutely, you can tailor the type of videos TikTok shows you. It's all about engaging more with the content you enjoy. Remember to like, share, or comment on those videos to influence your feed.

3. Is There Any Way to Hide Videos With No Likes From My TikTok Feed?

Yes, you can customize your TikTok feed. However, you can't directly hide videos with no likes. TikTok's algorithm learns from your interactions, so consistently engaging with liked content will influence what's shown.

4. How Does TikTok's 'For You' Page Work?

TikTok's 'For You' page tailors content based on your activity. It evaluates videos you've interacted with, details you've shared, and info from your device. So, it's not just about likes, it's about your overall engagement.

5. How Does TikTok Earn Revenue From Showing Videos?

TikTok earns revenue mainly through in-app purchases, ads, and brand partnerships. You'll often see sponsored content or ads between videos. Brands also pay for hashtag challenges to promote their products or services.


So, TikTok's algorithm, user interaction, and several factors influence the videos you see, including those with zero likes. It's a strategy to broaden content engagement and discoverability. Don't let it discourage you! It doesn't signify a lack of popularity.

Keep interacting with the app, liking, and sharing content that appeals to you, and you'll continue to customize your TikTok experience. Remember, every viral video starts with zero likes. You might be discovering the next big hit!